須賀秀文 6/17

I will give you all my love

get back get back 

my love does it good



 食す国の 遠のみかどに 汝らが かくまかりなば 平らけく我は遊ばむ たむだきて  
 我はいまさむ すめら我が うづの御手もち かきなでぞ ねぎ給ふ うち撫でぞ ねぎ給ふ 帰り来む日 相飲まむ酒ぞ この豊御酒は 
 ますらをの 行くとふ道ぞ おほろかに 思ひて行くな ますらをの伴 (昭和11年文学部)

 It is strange that, trade between nations should play so large a part in fomenting war and warlike spirit. 
 Trade, after all, is the peaceful exchange of goods; the more extended and farramifying it is, 
 the more we should expect a trend toward peace and a decline of war. (昭和16年経済学部)

明治三十年 第一高等學校 英語(一部) 

2. He was a quiet, honest man and talked no more than he could help. 
3. Poor as he was, he was above selling his honour at any price.